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Quizzing your Attorney

published November 12, 2007

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Test your own attorney skills by taking the sample quiz below. The answers can be found at the end of the test.
  1. How many states allow marriage between first cousins?

    a. 50

    b. 26
    c. 12
    d. 0

  2. Third cousins are people who share

    a. great-grandparents
    b. great-great-grandparents
    c. great-great-great-grandparents
    d. 99.8% identical DNA (but only 84.5% of the time)
    e. a high number of annoying second cousins once removed

  3. Hypothetical

    Monica asks her friend Hillary to bring her favorite dress — worn, but in fine condition — to the XYZ cleaners to remove a stain. Hillary brings it instead to the nearby ABC cleaners. The ticket ABC gives Hillary has a prominent disclaimer stating that ABC isn't responsible for damage. When Monica goes to retrieve the dress, she discovers a large hole where the stain used to be. When Monica points this out to the ABC clerk and says she wants ABC to pay for a new dress, the clerk cites the disclaimer but offers to have one of ABC's workers stitch up the hole. The clerk admits the repair will be noticed but argues it is a great offer since their ticket shields them from liability. How great is the offer? Does Monica have any claim against Hillary?

  4. True or False: If a teen's first offense is possession of one joint of marijuana, in Massachusetts the teen will be put on probation, but in Nevada the youth risks four years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

  5. The language "hereby remises and forever discharges, from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to this date" is found in

    a. a will
    b. a mortgage
    c. a settlement agreement
    d. the Book of Genesis

  6. Who said, "A lawyer's time and advice are his stock in trade?"

    a. Clarence Darrow
    b. Clarence Thomas
    c. Abraham Lincoln
    d. Yogi Berra

  7. A trial lawyer in the United Kingdom is known as a

    a. solicitor
    b. barrister
    c. strumpet
    d. Bandersnatch

  8. The Bayh-Dole Act regulates which of the following?

    a. banking industries
    b. pineapple growers
    c. free speech
    d. technology commercialization

  9. The Magnusson -Moss Act regulates which of the following?

    a. iron levels in drinking water
    b. patent protection for plants
    c. consumer warranties
    d. sitcom laugh tracks

  10. If a friend leaves me "in loco parentis," she has left me

    a. crazy about parentheses
    b. obliged to pay her rent
    c. with a small part in a local theater production
    d. in charge of her children

Answer Key:
  1. b (plus Washington, DC, although several impose conditions, such as being age 65 or older)

  2. b

  3. Monica can't sue her friend. Though most courts would ignore the cleaner's liability disclaimer, many would find a repair sufficient. Others might also allow Monica to recover the difference in value between the repaired dress and the undamaged dress — probably not much since the dress was already used.

  4. True

  5. c

  6. c

  7. b

  8. d

  9. c

  10. d

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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