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Qualcomm Inc. hires new GC

published October 15, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Qualcomm Inc. hires new GC
Qualcomm Inc. recently hired Donald Rosenberg as its new general counsel. Rosenberg, who acted as Apple Inc.'s GC for less than a year, helped guide the company through its stock-option challenges. Now Rosenberg will face different challenges at Qualcomm, including patent disputes concerning cell-phone technology. Qualcomm's chief executive officer, Paul Jacobs, has full confidence in Rosenberg and believes his experience with litigation, intellectual property, securities, and antitrust matters, along with his understanding of technology, will greatly enhance the company.

Apple Inc. hires new GC
Apple Inc. has hired Dan Cooperman as its new general counsel. Cooperman, who replaces Donald Rosenberg, is a member of the American Bar Association's Committee of Corporate General Counsel as well as Apple's current chairman of the Software & Information Association, "the largest trade association in the software industry," according to a CNN article. According to Apple's chief executive officer, Steve Jobs, "Dan will be an excellent addition to our team and will fit right into Apple's fast-paced culture. [He] is a seasoned professional with extensive experience in securities compliance, intellectual property, litigation, and corporate governance."

SanDisk Corp. hires James Brelsford as GC
Silicon Valley attorney James Brelsford has joined SanDisk Corp. as general counsel, a role he has played before at mobile-game company Hands-On Mobile Inc. He replaces Charles Van Orden and said in an article that he is excited about the legal issues SanDisk will throw at him. The company, located in Milpitas, CA, is not only growing geographically with its expansion into China but also into different businesses. Currently, SanDisk is known for making flash memory cards and drives; however, the company hopes to branch out into the "copyright-laden world of mobile video and audio content," said Brelsford.
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