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The Benefits of introducing and practicing Six Sigma.

published July 24, 2007

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Six Sigma has the potential to reduce costs by up to 50% and significantly reduce waste in an organization. Besides reflecting customer requirements, Six Sigma considerably improves quality and performance by offering a framework for internal self-improvement. Thus, Six Sigma systems show constant improvement when synchronized with the continuous development of resources associated with their implementation.

Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing

Six Sigma is usually combined with the concept of lean manufacturing. This combination not only helps to improve productivity but also helps to reduce costs. Most businesses in the United States have integrated Six Sigma along with lean manufacturing because it also focuses on waste elimination in the manufacturing process. Most companies, therefore, make simultaneous transitions to Six Sigma and lean manufacturing since the two systems are compatible with each other.


The focus of Six Sigma is always on even-handed or "stable" operations. In other words, Six Sigma always focuses on consistent flow and the execution of processes to their timely and uninterrupted completion. Six Sigma considers customer satisfaction central to the manufacturing process and does not strain the production process. Furthermore, rather than assuming that a product will appeal to customers, Six Sigma focuses on the individual attributes and characteristics which will appeal the most. Rather than concentrating on producing a large quantity of items, it predicts what the customer will appreciate and aims to achieve quality by. Six Sigma also focuses on defects and attempts to minimize them.


Utilizing a Six Sigma program requires an understanding of the values that form the core of the philosophy. Therefore, training processes can differ based on the manufacturing process. Employee training can be individually tailored to the manufacturer's requirements. All levels of staff and management require training in the Six Sigma process.

Implementation and Assessment

Six Sigma implementation requires comprehensive documentation, guidelines, and policies that need to percolate down to the lowest level. Alongside policy implementation, there needs to be comprehensive coordination with other organizational functions such as HR, quality control, and finance.

Six Sigma goes through a set of three phases: initialization, execution, and assessment. The first step is understanding how this philosophy positively influences the business's central goals. With the completion of this phase, Six Sigma moves into the next phase, which involves implementing the training program and the initial phase of the project.

Initially, Six Sigma should be implemented for projects of short or moderate duration since project monitoring can be mandated and adequate changes can be recommended from time to time. Assessment is the third and final phase in the implementation of this philosophy. It requires the achievement of certain predefined objectives. Further, checks should be in place to ensure that there are no breaches of performance standards.


Finally, management should ensure that whatever knowledge is gained during the implementation process should be shared by everyone in the organization. With appropriate feedback, Six Sigma can ensure ultimate success.
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