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105 DLA Piper attorneys get Chambers' rankings; firm launches Poland office

published July 03, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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105 DLA Piper attorneys get Chambers' rankings; firm launches Poland office

DLA Piper attorneys have made the firm proud. As many as 105 top-notch lawyers of the firm have made it to the ranks of the fifth annual Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business publication. The firm has also been named as a leader in business law, the climb since last year marks nearly 46% which saw only 72 lawyers.

Additionally, three more of the firm's practice groups are ranked in the top tier, up from 11 groups last year to 14 this year. The rankings are based on extensive research conducted by Chambers and Partners Legal Publishers. DLA Piper has 3,400 lawyers globally in 25 countries and 63 offices practicing in corporate, finance, human resources, litigation, and real estate, among many others.

Meanwhile in another move, the firm has appointed three Polish partners to lead its new office in Warsaw. Two of the new hires, Krzysztof Wiater and Pawel Grzejszczak, join DLA Piper from Squire, Sanders & Dempsey's Warsaw office. Michal Zieniewski, the third partner, will join DLA Piper from the Warsaw office of CMS Cameron McKenna.

Florida Default Law Group renews partnership with
The Florida Default Law Group, a full-service real estate law firm, has renewed its partnership with, a leader in on-demand workforce development and productivity.

The Tampa-based law firm has chosen to renew the partnership based on the success it has had with's LearnCenter. The LearnCenter platform has become the industry's leading Talent Management Suite (TMS), managing complete lifecycles until retirement by creating an economic development environment to help users plan their careers. The Florida Default Law Group is one of Florida's largest providers of legal services related to mortgage banking.


Mother's new way of punishing her daughter
"I don't obey my parents, I'm a liar. I steal from my mom. I have a bad attitude." This is what Tashara Wilkins, 13, had to tell people through her attention-getting sign put on by her, by her mother. It seems the Tennessee mother got too tired of reprimanding the daughter, that she had no other way out, than making her daughter stand on a busy street corner and undergo the public humiliation. Speaking to a TV channel on her deliberate attempt to humiliate Tashara publicly, the Tennessee mother said, "I hope this works for her. I love my child. I could be beating her to death, but I'm not." On her part, Tashara said that the punishment was an absolute eye-opener. It might help her in behaving in a better manner, as she does not like standing out there with everybody staring at her. The mother even made it a point to take her daughter to church wearing the sign. We can only pray that Tashara's difficult times end soon.
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