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Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider ranks among the top firms for antitrust

published June 21, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider ranks among the top firms for antitrust

America's Leading Business Lawyers List published by Chambers USA has named Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP (AV&H) in the list of top law firms in New York for antitrust. Senior partner of the firm Stephen Axinn expressed his happiness at the recognition. The law firm has been able to get clearance for many important deals including acquisition of AT&T Wireless by Cingular Wireless. Law firm AV&H also represented MasterCard's IPO, which in fact was the largest public offering in 2006.

The Chambers Guides, publishing guides for the law profession since 1969, ranks top lawyers and law firms of 175 countries.

Law firms pay to obtain a privilege to serve
Law firms in the U.S. are known for their pro bono services. However, have you heard of law firms, whose unbridled passion for such services goes to such an extent that they do not even mind paying for providing such services?

Lawyers Without Borders Inc. is one such nonprofit organization that endeavors to empower the legal process across the globe. The organization has solicited law firms to donate $7,500 a year, reports Wall Street Journal. This little charity on the part of the firms will ensure that they have an access to Lawyers Without Borders Inc.'s cases.

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts Inc. is another nonprofit organization that provides legal services to the arts community. The firms that contribute for the cause can have the desirable cases.

In some instances, the law firms provide office space or even clerical help to the organizations that help them in getting pro bono services.


Man attempts robbing shop wearing plastic bag
A man wearing a plastic bag tried robbing a Loaf 'N Jug convenience store in Centennial, CO. The scene was recorded by a surveillance camera, which showed the man put on a plastic bag after entering the shop. What was weird to investigators was that the 16 to 20 year old man could have suffocated himself with the plastic piece. While watching the video, Arapahoe County investigators wondered whether he would take off the bag before he could complete his act. Apparently, the plastic was loose from the bottom, enabling the man to breathe. Reportedly, the man threatened to shoot the clerk if he did not hand him over the money. However, he got away without any luck, leaving the police with the option of asking the public to help in identifying the suspect. The man wore a white shirt and blue shorts.
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