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Immigration Attorneys Pulling Out All the Stops

published April 02, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Immigration attorneys in Tucson, AZ, are being overly cautious when it comes to protecting their clients. Knowing how strongly law enforcement is cracking down on illegal immigration, these attorneys are asking their clients to avoid driving.

While it might seem like a drastic measure, attorneys are beginning to realize that many of their clients are coming to them after having been stopped by the U.S. Border Patrol while driving.

Patricia Mejia, a Tucson attorney, told the Tucson Citizen that she has seen an influx of clients who were detained in this manner and are now seeking legal representation.

"Some were stopped for something as minor as turning on a yellow light or swerving," she said. "Yeah, it's true, but does that mean now you deport me and my entire family? It seems extreme."

Going one step further than asking her clients not to drive, Mejia has even asked her clients not to ride as a passenger in a vehicle unless they absolutely have to.

"I just tell them to take the bus or ride your bike because if you're driving and you get pulled over, you are going to Mexico tonight," she told the Tucson Citizen.

Other Tucson attorneys, such as Gloria Goldman, are also being barraged by clients who have either been detained or are simply worried about their rights. As the amount of immigrants that are arrested on the road in Tucson increases, immigrants living in the area become more and more worried.

"People are in a panic so they're coming to see me," Goldman told the Tucson Citizen.
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