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Chadbourne & Parke, LLP

published January 29, 2007

( 27 votes, average: 4.6 out of 5)

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<<"Rockefeller Center is also home to Christie's auction house, McGraw-Hill, and Simon & Schuster," the firm's website states. "In all, Rockefeller Center covers almost 22 acres between 49th and 52nd Streets; nearly a quarter of a million people pass through daily. Among Rockefeller Center's best-known attractions are the skating rink, Radio City Music Hall, and annually, the Rockefeller Group's special holiday festivities attracting thousands."

The firm was founded in 1902 by Thomas Chadbourne and was meant to be a solo law firm with "an entrepreneurial spirit and a keen business sense." Created in a time when business was prospering, Chadbourne followed suit and flourished during the early 20th Century. However, the firm has hung onto its core beliefs and makes sure to integrate a personal touch into each and every one of its transactions.

"In the wireless age forged by the new economy, Chadbourne is in step with the times and well equipped to provide legal services anytime, almost anywhere. Yet we are still most valued for our sound counsel and our belief that however large the transaction, the practice of law is still a very personal service," a statement on the firm's website reads. "Traditional values combined with modern sophistication in technology and practice will continue to distinguish Chadbourne's position in the legal marketplace for years to come."

Chadbourne attorneys specialize in corporate transactions, bankruptcy and restructuring, insurance, intellectual property, environmental law, litigation, project finance and privatization, and taxation. By offering such a wide range of practice areas, Chadbourne makes itself attractive to law school graduates as well as clients, which is one of the reasons it has continued to grow.

A laid-back firm that strives to achieve both an "informal, friendly" and professional work environment, Chadbourne does its best to ensure that the firm is made up of a diverse group of people and personalities. Because of the firm's commitment to personal growth, senior attorneys are reviewed each year and associate attorneys are reviewed every six months. In addition, superiors commonly provide daily feedback on the performances of those who are working on their projects in ways that both teach and encourage.

Nationally, the firm has offices in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Houston, and St. Petersburg. Internationally, it has offices located in London, Moscow, Almaty, Kyiv, Warsaw, and Beijing. Overall, Chadbourne is made up of about 430 attorneys, 270 of whom work out of the firm's New York office.

"We think these numbers give us the best of both worlds—we're large enough to handle any major transaction or litigation, and yet we're small enough so that our lawyers don't get lost in some anonymous shuffle," the firm's website states.
( 27 votes, average: 4.6 out of 5)
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