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Federal Agents Raid Stafford Law Co. Linked to Aliza Sherman

published April 25, 2014

By Author - LawCrossing

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Federal agents raided a Cleveland law firm, Stafford & Stafford's, later renamed as Stafford Law Co., early this week. While authorities have declined to discuss what prompted the April 22 search warrant, it is likely that the raid was either related to the March 2013 stabbing death of a divorce client, Aliza Sherman, outside the law firm's office, or the July 2012 courthouse bomb threat that allegedly came from Gregory Moore, once an associate at the firm.

An hour-long search was carried out at the law firm. Special Agent Vicki D. Anderson confirmed the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) participation as an "assisting agency" in the warrant execution.

It is believed that Moore, 40, is the attorney whom Sherman, 53, had gone to meet on 24 March at Stafford's Erieview Plaza office. The attorney, currently charged with three counts of inducing panic in courthouses for suspected bomb threats, was to represent Sherman in the divorce trial slated to start four days later. However, he is no longer listed on the website of the law firm known for its hardball approach in divorce cases.

As yet no suspect has been identified in Sherman's death tragedy. The 53-year-old nurse from Beachwood was stabbed 11 times outside Stafford's downtown office. She was taken to MetroHealth Medical Center, but died there from her wounds.

According to Sgt. Ali Pillow who is investigating the case, no one has yet come forth with information related to the murder. The homicide detectives have only the grainy surveillance footage of an unidentified person running outside the Galleria at Erieview, shortly after Sherman's attack.

A call to Stafford requesting information about Moore's status in the firm has not yet been returned as per latest media reports.

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