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Quasi Legal Jobs as Stepping Stones for a Successful Legal Career

published February 12, 2014

By Author - LawCrossing

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Good grades in Ivy-League law schools no longer guarantee recent law school graduates a good job. Post-recession, the market has made it very tough for law school students to land full-time, permanent jobs with law firms. So, instead of getting frustrated with the circumstances beyond your control and looking for other less preferred career lines, it is best to reset your focus. You can still hope for a great career path in law by using different means. Look up for positions for quasi legal jobs.

What are Quasi Legal Jobs?

Quasi legal jobs are those jobs where a law degree is considered an asset but is not a pre-requisite. These jobs are not contractual law related jobs; rather these are jobs that would add great value to your marketability to law firms as an attorney in a year or two. In other words, your "off the law firm path" job would still be a valuable step in the ladder to your career as an attorney.

Very often quasi legal jobs have the ability of 'discovering' some very interesting tangent careers in law - such as for example, litigation management or e-discovery project management, etc. The beauty with these types of jobs is that they help you understand law in depth, as you will see in practice many applications of macro and micro contexts of laws/theory/policies studied in law school. This is why this experience will make you more valuable as an attorney.

Why Quasi Legal Jobs are an Excellent Alternative Career Path

Quasi legal jobs will actually advance your career in law, unlike contract attorney jobs, which are not looked upon favorably by most law firms. In fact, the data shows that the longer you work as a contract attorney the smaller your chances are of being employed as an attorney by big law firms.

How Do You Land Quasi Legal Jobs?

It is but common sense that these types of jobs would not be listed under 'attorney positions'. You need to broaden your search to all types of employees, for you will find such jobs in almost every industry or field, i.e. regulated businesses, corporations large, medium or small, non-profit organizations, local government, and even in federal or state jobs.

The positions that would benefit from your law degree and also increase your value as a lawyer at a later date are also widely varied. Here are a few examples: small business formation, policy and legislation, mediation, compliance and audits, public and media relations, IP (intellectual property), IT (information and technology), real estate, financial services, financial planning, labor and employment, sales and contracts, human resources and so on.
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