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Hill Dickinson Expands Practice to Hong Kong

published October 25, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing

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Hill Dickinson Expands Practice to Hong Kong

International law firm Hill Dickinson announced expansion of their practice in Asia with the launch of their new office in Hong Kong in partnership with their Singapore team. This expansion is their second new international location launched this year, after establishment of the Monaco office.

The Hong Kong office of the firm will work in association with Hong Kong firm Laracy & Co, led by reputed litigator and arbitrator, Damien Laracy. Mike Mallin of the London City office, Master Mariner and a long-standing Partner of Hill Dickinson will be leading the new venture. He made it to the TradeWinds list of 'World's top 5 lawyers' for marine emergencies in 2012. Mike has handled many high-profile matters in marine practice including the casualties in "COSTA CONCORDIA" where he represented the owners and insurers.

With Mike's relocation to Hong Kong, Hill Dickinson will now have three mariner partners operating in Asia. On the new venture, Mike said, "Marrying Hong Kong with Singapore creates the ideal pan-Asia base for us to provide a unique service to our clients. It's where we've long known we wanted to be, where we've needed to be and now we're here."

Damien Laracy, the head of Laracy & Co, welcomed the new alliance saying, "This is an excellent fit for us, matching our specialist Hong Kong commercial litigation and marine work." He also praised Hill Dickinson for his unparalleled competence in collision, salvage and marine casualty work.

The head of the firm's Singapore office, Tony Goldsmith also echoed the views of others. He said that they are looking forward to the work with the Hong Kong team to maximize the possibilities.

With the establishment of the Singapore-Hong Kong axis, Hill Dickinson firmly moves into position as the leading legal services provider in international marine related issues, and consolidated the firm's lead position in Asia.
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