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Law Firms Team Up to Promote Environment Sustainability across Legal Industry

published August 07, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing

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Law Firms Team Up to Promote Environment Sustainability across Legal Industry

The Law Firm Sustainability Network (LFSN) founded in August 2011 serves as an informal platform for law firms to network and develops best practices in sustainability. The nonprofit organization of law firms and legal departments has recently announced that many prominent U.S. law firms have come together to promote environment sustainability across the legal industry. The mission of the newly incorporated entity is to foster knowledge-sharing, develop key performance indicators, develop best practice guidelines and promote and recognize sustainability innovations in the U.S. legal industry.

Members of LFSN include both large and small law firms. Some of these are - Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP, BuckleySandler LLP , Shearman & Sterling LLP, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP and Sutherland.

Growing success, has led to its incorporation in November 2012 and the formation of its governing body, the Leadership Council, this year. The Leadership Council and Board of Directors of the LFSN includes the law firms of Morrison & Foerster LLP and ecoAnalyze LLC.

Commenting on the initiatives of the organization, Peter Masaitis, President of the LFSN and Partner at Alston & Bird says that the legal profession has a history of taking a leadership role in societal causes and today the needs of the environment are great enough for the law firm community to come forward and support it. Further, he remarks that it is critical to make "sustainability an integral part of corporate responsibility policies throughout the business community. Clients ask about it, law students expect it, and employees appreciate it."

The LFSN is also known to be working towards finalizing the American Legal Industry Sustainability Standards (ALISS), a self-assessment tool that will allow law firms to measure the implementation of practices regarding the promotion of energy efficiency, energy conservation, recycling and relevant and related measures. ALISS is scheduled for launch next year. Subsequently, later in the year, the LFSN plans to publish the results of its benchmark survey in environmental sustainability across the legal industry. This will include a statistical analysis of the implementation and sustainable practices of the top firms. Additionally, the LFSN has also partnered with international counterparts like the Legal Sector Alliance UK and the Australian Legal Sector Alliance to promote some common goals.

Observing recent advances of the LFSN, Sir Nigel Knowles, Chairman of the Legal Sector Alliance UK says, "We are delighted that law firms in the U.S. have adopted a collaborative approach to sustainability and very much look forward to working with the LFSN on this global challenge."
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