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DLA Piper Forms Partnership for Child Justice with UNICEF

published April 09, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing

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DLA Piper Forms Partnership for Child Justice with UNICEF

DLA Piper Forms Partnership for Child Justice with UNICEF

Global law firm DLA Piper announced on Monday that it had formed a partnership with UNICEF for significant expansion and improvement of UNICEF’s global work on child justice. The partnership would strive to ensure that children who have their introduction to justice systems across the world are better served and protected.

DLA Piper will pledge up to US $1.5 million worth of corporate donations and fundraising through the three-year partnership, and will encourage its employees to raise funds for UNICEF for this critical area of UNICEF’s work.

DLA Piper will also provide pro bono support from its lawyers across the world through the UK Committee for UNICEF towards the global child justice programme. The UNICEF committee would be managing participation from lawyers providing pro bono support for children. The promised help from DLA Piper through pro bono work has been estimated at approx $5 million.

The law firm’s pro bono work for UNICEF would also include helping UNICEF’s child protection team on preparing tools and training resources. The partners would jointly develop a “Justice for Children” handbook and training package for use by UNICEF staff throughout the world. The handbook would identify issues and spell out the rights of children in respective state and justice systems across the world.
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