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Federal Judiciary Warns Sequestration Would Weaken the Justice System

published March 13, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing

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Federal Judiciary Warns Sequestration Would Weaken the Justice System
On Tuesday, the U.S. federal judiciary warned that compulsory budget cuts will weaken the ability of the system to dispense justice, and in turn would affect the ability of citizens to access justice. The simple reason being that the judiciary is already undermanned and running on a shoestring budget. Further cuts are going to ensure a functionally disabled judiciary, which would be unable to realize its potential or expectations. That is the inevitable result of automatic budget cuts.

Budget cuts would ensure that rather than taking their disputes to courts, many people would play into the hands of political mafia or corrupted executives in trying to seek solutions to their problems.

While everyone knows justice delayed is justice denied – the sequestration is going to ensure delay of justice by removing the ability of the judiciary to dispense justice.

The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the national management body for the judiciary informed in a statement that the impending budget cuts would reduce available funds by around $350 million less than what was available in 2012.

The cuts would compel the system to lay off up to 2000 employees through a furlough program, and would also lead to a 10 percent pay reduction for others. The worst hit areas of the judiciary system would include court services like probation, drug testing, mental health treatment, and most significantly – the processing of civil and bankruptcy cases.

Welcome to the third world.

Even court security systems would need to be reduced as their funding would be cut by 30 percent.

While on the surface, it seems all about costs and budgets, Chief Judge William Traxler of the Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the chairman of the executive committee, stated the real problem without mincing words.

Traxler said, “We worry about it detracting from our ability to meet our constitutional responsibilities.”

The issue of budget cuts and the sequestration was the focal point of discussions at the meeting of the U.S. Judicial Conference held in Washington D.C., on Tuesday.
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