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NY District Attorneys Send Letter to Cuomo for Stricter Gun Laws

published January 09, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing

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DAASNY send letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo for stricter gun laws
On Tuesday, the District Attorney's Association of the State of New York (DAASNY) sent a letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo calling on legislators for stricter gun measures following the massacre at Sandy Hook, Connecticut. The letter sent by DAASNY, carried terse comments by the association's president and Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance.

The letter mentioned Vance commenting, “Week after week, innocent victims are gunned down while trying to go about their daily lives … We in government must do more for ordinary citizens, in New York and around the country. New York has long been a leader in sound gun control policy while respecting the Second Amendment. The proposals we support would strengthen our ability to protect New Yorkers against senseless gun violence by keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of criminals and emotionally disturbed individuals.”

While speaking for measures like mandatory consecutive sentences, high-capacity magazine bans, statewide periodic reapplications, and micro-stamping of guns, the letter also criticized impending federal legislation like the H.R. 822.

The H.R. 822, which seeks to legalize carrying weapons on the basis of reciprocity, and is also known as the National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act (2012), was severely criticized in the letter. The letter mentions that the DAASNY strongly opposes the bill, because “If this bill were to become law, individuals who are not eligible for a permit in New York would be afforded the right to carry a concealed weapon while they are in New York solely because they hold a permit from their home state. Without any discretion or oversight, New York would be forced to allow an individual to carry a concealed weapon in clear violation of New York State law.”

The DAASNY also supported the federal H.R.591, more commonly known as the Gun Show Loophole, which would subject occasional sellers of firearms at gun shows also to the same background checks as that of licensed gun sellers.

The association also urged lawmakers to support measures like identification requirements during ammunition purchase and measures to prevent stockpiling of firearms.
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