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Dovan Associates, Inc.

published October 22, 2012

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Personal Life

Donna Vangury, Owner of Dovan Associates, Inc.
Donna Vangury owns and manages Dovan Associates, Inc. in Surprise, Arizona. She specializes in divorce, modifications, child support orders, bankruptcy, reply to a legal proceeding; Estate Planning, including will's and power of attorney's and Trusts. The businesswoman's goal is “to Successfully assist other's in completing legal documents to save them time, energy and frustration as well as provide excellent services at a fraction of what other individuals or attorney's may charge.”

Donna has earned a perfect rating of five stars from Kudzu, several number one rankings for paralegal services from and has received an A plus for the past four years from the Better Business Bureau. She has been successfully operating her business since September 2008.

Donna was born in Portsmouth, Virginia. She admitted she was “raised all over the country as a Navy brat.” The future legal document preparer graduated from Menchville High School, located in Newport News, Virginia. She earned her Associate's degree from Phoenix College and received her B.A. in Business Management and minored in Psychology from University of Phoenix.

The business woman revealed that she did not come from a large family, but was very close to her father before he passed away. Donna's greatest accomplishment in life was “raising her 23 year-old daughter successfully,” and the proud mother believes they are best friends “who think the same.”

When Donna is not working, she enjoys spending time with her boyfriend and her daughter, eating at the Olive Garden, going to the movies, and traveling. Her favorite place to visit is Hawaii. Every year, Donna takes a couple of weekend trips to San Diego and Las Vegas.

One of the Donna's favorite books is Fifty Shades of Grey, a 2011 erotic novel written by British author E. L. James. She roots for the Arizona State Sun Devils, Arizona Cardinals, and Arizona Diamondbacks.

Donna's Mentor, Volunteer Activities and What's Hard to Give Up

The legal document preparer's mentor is Barbra Egan Devore. Donna said she met Devore through the Big Brother/Big Sister program. The non-profit organization assists children who have only one parent by connecting them with their “brother” or “sister.” The program's goal is to “bridge the gap” for children who come from a single parent.

Donna participates at the Maricopa Skill Center. The legal document preparer explained it's a program legal advisory board. This organization is responsible for public speaking, mock interviews, service and industry experts in the field you are working, participates in job fairs and they shape legal curriculum for students. They also have a paralegal program that they teach.

The businesswoman confessed that she is a gadget queen. She can't live without her cell phone, internet, and computer. Donna stated, “I would be lost if I didn't have them.”

Non-Profit Organization

Donna admires the Big Brother/Big Sister program. She is also affiliated with the National Association of Legal Secretaries (NALS). The legal staff member attends monthly meetings and there are different speakers at each gathering. The speaker could be discussing a wide array of topics such as bankruptcy or ethics. Donna said NALS encourages her to learn more and gives her confidence to expand her business.

Donna's Successful Business and Tips for Legal Staff Members

Why did Donna become a legal staff member? The businesswoman acknowledged it was ironic for her to become a legal staff member. She explained she used to work for Child Support for 5 years and “enjoyed learning and helping people.” The legal document preparer was then employed by the FSA (contracted with the Drug Enforcement Administration) for 12 years before being laid off. While working for DEA through FSA, Donna was responsible for maintaining stats and databases, she supervised other contract employees while contracted with the U.S. government. After the layoff with DEA, getting a job wasn't easy for Donna because most of the companies she applied for believed she was overqualified. What was the next step? Donna started her own company.

The businesswoman did not transition into the law; she was always involved in the legal industry. Donna admitted she had no experience when she was employed by Child Support, but she became a Child Support Officer. When she worked for DEA, Donna started out as a record examiner before she moved into a supervisor role.

So what is the best part of Donna's job? She replied, “Most satisfaction is helping customers who need guidance to those who cannot afford legal representation.”

What part of the job is not appealing for the paralegal? Donna stated, “The downside is when people can't afford my service and I have to turn them away.” The businesswoman continued to say she “offers discount services to people who can't pay, but some individuals still don't follow through.”

The legal staff member is known professionally for her honesty and integrity. Donna described how one of her customers showed her a legal document and thought it wasn't valid. The legal document preparer reassured her client that the document appeared to cover “the requested elements.” Donna emphasized she does not take these kinds of cases for money when the work is already completed. Instead, the legal document preparer is very straightforward with her clients about what services that can be completed versus what has already been completed.

Donna gave her opinion on the current assessment of the legal market. She asserted, “Attorneys who are honest and personable seem to be doing better than the ones who are not honest and personable.” The legal staff member firmly believes if an attorney represents himself/herself well, they will attract customers.

The businesswoman also discussed what she thought about the legal field today. Donna claimed, “There are a few honest people in this profession who want to help people, but some are self absorbed and are only interested in the money, they don't provide justice to their customers.” The paralegal added, “They are not all honest across the board.”

What would Donna change about the legal profession? She noted that individuals in her profession should be held to accountable to the “ethical standards.” The paralegal pointed out that if people in her profession didn't follow these standards. Donna proclaimed, “I would enforce the ethical standards.”

Donna gave encouraging advice to new and recent legal staff members. She declared, “Learn and absorb as much as possible. Do not stretch yourself in an area you are unfamiliar with, that can add stress and problems.”

What advice does Donna have for students who want to eventually become a paralegal. She talked about how a lot of people have a perception of a 9-5 job and don't want to work beyond those hours. The businesswoman made it clear that “in her position, you can't do that. You have to work much later, you have to have an open mind, you could be putting a lot of hours” in a legal document preparer or a paralegal position.

Where does Donna see herself in five years? The legal staff member reflected on the last five years and said she had a hard time finding a job and then created her business. She stated, “You have to be like a sponge and absorb everything.” Donna elaborated by saying she didn't have experience running a business, but she learned and continues to learn every day. Her business is flourishing and she looks forward to “adding doc prep people under her wing.” Donna plans on training her staff members and expects to expand her company. She said, “Right now, I had 400 customers this year and I would like to double that.”

Has Donna learned from her mistakes? The paralegal simply answered, “Absolutely.”

If Donna wasn't a legal staff member, what would she be doing? The paralegal jokingly said, “I would be looking for a job. I would probably be working for somebody else.”

***Donna is not an attorney and can't give legal advice.***

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