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New Orleans Judge Accused of Nepotism

published July 25, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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New Orleans Judge Accused of Nepotism

Judge Paul Sens, of the New Orleans Municipal Court, has been accused of abusive nepotism by the Inspector General.

IG Ed Quatrevaux is asking the state's Judiciary Commission to review the hiring of 18 of Sens' relatives and in-laws who have worked for the court during the past decade. Sens has given up his position as chief judge since June. The total cost to the taxpayers from the hiring of Sens' relatives is supposed to be around $1.2 million.

In his letter to the Chief Judge Desiree Charbonnet, who has been in the position since June 1, Quatrevaux has said that even though the appointments may not violate any laws it “creates an appearance of impropriety”.
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