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Rebecca Revich is GCC’s Adventurer

published July 10, 2012

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Rebecca Revich is a legal recruiter with General Counsel Consulting ( Rebecca received her BA in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, and a JD from the Sandra Day O'Conner College of Law from the Arizona State University. At her core, Rebecca is loyal, meticulous, motivated, responsible, and adventurous.

After graduating with her JD, Rebecca specialized in Bankruptcy (commercial bankruptcy law). Initially, Rebecca externed at the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona for the Honorable Charles G. Case II. After graduating from law school, Rebecca worked as a Bankruptcy and Restructuring Associate at Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, Stutman Treister & Glatt Professional Corporation, and Venable LLP. Rebecca's analytical abilities honed from practicing as a lawyer for the past five years fused with her affable personality make her ideal for in-house counsel recruitment.


Rebecca grew up in southern California with her mother, father, and younger brother. Both of Rebecca's parents graduated from college, and her father works as an attorney specializing in insurance law. Rebecca's father lit the path to law school because he loved being a lawyer.

Being a lawyer was in Rebecca's blood, and she showed signs of wanting to be a lawyer fairly early. For example, after her orthodontist told Rebecca that he was going to remove her braces and then repeatedly pushed back the removal date, Rebecca came to the appointment prepared. While sitting in the orthodontist' chair, and upon hearing her braces were going to remain and not be removed as planned, yet again, she took a blue piece of paper napkin from the desk in front of her and made a contract with the orthodontist to ensure that he would take off her braces in one week. He signed the paper, and as we all know, contracts on napkins (which meet all the other elements of a contract) are valid contracts. Upon her next visit, her orthodontist did not hold up his side of the contractual agreement. Rebecca remembers being angry and wishing she was a lawyer so she could enforce the contract. Over a year later, he finally removed her braces. Although Rebecca dreamed of being an attorney, she started small.

As a youngster, Rebecca worked at a talent agency putting checks in chronological order. Over time, Rebecca grew close with one of her supervisors. This first job experience taught Rebecca the importance of getting along with the people you work with, and especially your supervisors. Later, Rebecca was a counselor at a Beverly Hills Art Camp for children. Even though Rebecca acknowledges she is blessed, she struggles with the same obstacles and losses as everyone else.

Even though Rebecca has never suffered a tragic or immediate loss, she did lose her grandfather while she was working as a summer associate at Squire, Sanders and Dempsey. Although her grandfather lived a long and full life, the death was difficult for Rebecca because her grandfather was someone that she really looked up to. Throughout his life, Rebecca's grandfather was easy going and really friendly. Rebecca aspired to incorporate those sorts of traits into her own daily life.

The Attorney Path

During Rebecca's bankruptcy practice, she ran into a few obstacles. For instance, on a number of occasions, clients assumed that Rebecca was the partner's daughter because she looked so young. However, since Rebecca's work clearly showed she could hold her own, clients grew to depend on Rebecca and seek her guidance.

In addition, Rebecca admits the process of starting out as an attorney was an obstacle all in itself. At her first legal job, Rebecca met her first mentor outside of her family, who was incredibly patient. Rebecca gives her mentor credit for her making it past her first year because he patiently helped her learn a lot of legal skills, which were crucial to her legal success. Nonetheless, when Rebecca had questions on how to operate as an attorney, she would give her father a call. Even with all this support, Rebecca admits there were times she thought about quitting due to the long hours , but she stayed with the law and kept exploring the bankruptcy niche.

In the Office

In the office, Rebecca is known for being thorough, responsible, reliable, and for her light hearted laughter. Although the rhythm of work in an office may pick up speed, Rebecca always remembers that the pressure and stress is easy to manage as long as you are in constant communication with your supervisors. Personally and professionally, Rebecca is drawn to genuine and loyal people, and she clashes with overly aggressive personalities. Additionally, Rebecca chooses to work with light hearted people.

Although Rebecca admits she can be a bit stubborn, she has a number of strengths that make her this week's legal star. First and foremost, Rebecca is dependable. When Rebecca says she will do something, she will do it. Second, Rebecca is loyal and she is kind to everyone professionally and personally. Third, Rebecca listens to her customers, candidates, and co-workers, and by being a good listener Rebecca assures that employers receive what they are looking for in a candidate.

While stress may be difficult for many legal recruiters, Rebecca has a system for putting the events of the day into perspective. When work gets overwhelming, Rebecca makes it a point of taking a walk, and clearing her head. To completely relinquish the stress from the week, Rebecca will go rock climbing because rock climbing requires focus. First, a climber needs to focus on where to put their feet, then their hands, and then the climber has to plan how to get to the next hold. This focus on how to reach the next foot hold or hand hold, while scaling a mountain, is the same focus that Rebecca brings to her projects- she focuses on one piece of the puzzle at a time. Additionally, Rebecca always remembers to not sweat the small stuff, and this habit has a tendency to reduce stress. Rebecca enjoys a variety of activities outside the office.

After Hours

Rebecca indulges her adventurous streak whenever possible by traveling. Thus far, Rebecca has visited each of the seven continents. She enjoys traveling because she gains perspective on how other people live their lives. With each trip, Rebecca gains perspective on life and how truly blessed she is to have grown up with her family in a safe environment. Recently, Rebecca took a trip to India to help her good friend select various outfits for her Indian wedding in America. On one of her favorite and most memorable trips, Rebecca visited China, Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam where she went rock climbing in Krabi, Thailand as well as visited the Chengdu Panda Research and Breeding Center. Rebecca is passionate about Panda research and environmental projects that ensure Panda survival.

On the weekends, Rebecca always makes time for her family, friends, and boyfriend because these personal relationships are incredibly important to her. As for hobbies, Rebecca enjoys rock climbing, playing soccer, and watching poker. Currently, Rebecca's favorite player is up and coming poker player Tom Dwan because he always keeps things exciting by making incredible bluffs.




Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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