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Kansas Lawyer Accused of Being a Peeping Tom

published July 04, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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Kansas Lawyer Accused of Being a Peeping Tom

Jeremiah Johnson, a lawyer in Johnson County, Kansas is accused of being a peeping Tom against his own female employees. The 32-year old lawyer is facing the charges from three women who were working for him.

The three women say that they were encouraged to wear “skirts and heels” to the office after he bought an Apple iPhone, iPad and an app called Cam-U-Flage. Then he had new desks installed in the office.

These desks were open underneath, which would allow the legs and lower torso of the women who sat there visible to anyone looking under the desk. The women were told to sit at these desks and it was another attorney who is supposed to have found the devices and called the cops.

The incident happened in June 2011, but it was only six months ago that the women filed a civil suit and last week charges were finally filed. The women are asking for $75,000 each in punitive damages.

Johnson has so far only been issued a summons to appear in court. If found guilty, he could face up to a year in jail on two criminal counts of eavesdropping and also be disbarred.
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