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Dewey Continues Its Death Spiral

published May 04, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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Dewey Continues Its Death Spiral

In what seems to be a certain death spiral for a once great law firm, Dewey is now being talked about in the past tense on law blogs and some other news sources. Above the Law says that its sources say the firm will not make it past Memorial Day. There are rumors of the firm removing the art from its office walls and Am Law has a useful tracker on which partner has left for which firm and his/her practice area. The latest and most prominent partner to leave is Morton A. Pierce, the vice chairman of the firm. He is considered one of the top M&A experts in the country and was one of the architects behind the merger that created Dewey & LeBoeuf. Pierce is said to be moving to White & Case LLP.
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