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Davis Search

published March 12, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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With more than 30 years of combined experience, the recruiters at Davis Search have worked with clients and candidates with a variety of needs. Holly Davis, the founder and President of Davis Search, has been involved in the legal placement industry for more than 18 years. She gained extensive experience in the industry with two large legal search firms before bringing her talents to Davis Search, where she finds satisfaction in working with jobseekers and clients in the hunt for the perfect match. Davis graduated magna cum laude from the University of Arizona, where she studied Political Science and Marketing.

Alfi Scope, a graduate of Temple University Beasley School of Law and Fox School of Business, has experience recruiting both associates and support staff for local law firms. In the past, she provided management consultant services to legal organizations and served as a marketing consultant for Intel Corporation.

Clientele include top ranking firms, boutique firms, general practice firms, and corporations of all types and sizes. Through partnerships with both legal search firms and consultants in New York; Washington, DC; Dallas; Los Angeles; San Francisco; and Seattle, Davis Search has the ability to serve clients across the country. In addition to networking, Davis Search’s other resources include a large database and the Martindale-Hubbell software database.

The firm employs a comprehensive search process that begins with the development of a clear job description. Recruiters then perform a targeted job search and interview the top candidates. Prior to submission, each candidate is evaluated on the basis on relevant and professional experience, compensation requirements, education, strengths, weaknesses, and interpersonal skills. Qualified candidates are provided with interview preparation services, which include vital information about the job. Following the interview, feedback is provided to all involved parties. When a decision is made, Davis Search is available to assist in the negotiation and offer acceptance process. Communication continues after the placement to ensure that both the client and the candidate are satisfied with the match.

Davis Search additionally provides paralegal placement services and outplacing and consulting services. The legal outplacement division, Davis Transitions, offers coaching, counseling, education, mentoring, and other resources for attorneys who have been downsized or terminated. This division specializes in assisting attorneys who are at a transition period in their careers.

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