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Ohio Law Professor Named as ABA Foundation Fellow

published January 07, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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When it comes to community involvement, there is no question that Gibbons meets the requirements expected of a Fellow. He is heavily involved in legal education and law reform and has published a number of articles, including many of which have been cited by federal or state courts. He currently serves as a member of both the American Law Institute (ALI) and the American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Section on Minority Groups. He was the Chair of AALS Section on Minority Groups in 2010 and has held the positions of secretary and executive board member for a number of the association's sections. He is also a former president of the Central States Association of Law Schools.

As an internationally recognized scholar, Gibbons has presented at conferences and introduced papers in many countries including Argentina, China, Hong Kong (SAR, China), Italy, Finland, Lithuania, and Switzerland.

In 2006 and 2007, Gibbons was chosen as a Fulbright Scholar and was subsequently assigned to Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) in China, which houses the “national center” for the study of intellectual property rights. Furthermore, Gibbons is also a Fellow of the Salzburg Seminar and was previously an Abraham L. Freedman Fellow at Temple University School of Law and a Junior Fellow with The University of Toledo Humanities Center.

Gibbons, who joined The University of Toledo College of Law faculty in 1998, has served as an Adjunct Professor at Franklin Pierce, as an Assistant Professor at the University Orlando, and as a legal lecturer at Temple University School of Law. He has also functioned as a Court Law Clerk for both the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and for the Massachusetts Teachers Association.

Gibbons holds a JD from Northeastern University School of Law and a LLM from Temple University School of Law. He specializes in international and domestic intellectual property law, online dispute resolution, intellectual property licensing and management, technology transfer, e-commerce, and cyber-law.

As a professor of law, Gibbons has taught antitrust, copyright, cyber-law, eCommerce, intellectual property licensing and management, intellectual property survey, online dispute resolution, torts and trademark law. Additionally, he oversees The University of Toledo College of Law's certificate program in intellectual property law, the Juris Doctor and Engineering joint degree option, and other science-related joint degree program options.

Through yearly contributions and the sponsorship of seminars and other events of relevance to the legal profession, Fellows serve to support the research work of the American Bar Foundation. Members are nominated by Fellows within their jurisdiction and ultimately elected by the Board of the American Bar Foundation. The Fellows was initially formed in 1955.
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