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Gary M. Farmer, Sr. Presented with Lifetime Achievement Award

published November 03, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Farmer's career began in 1973 after he graduated from the University of Toledo College of Law. Immediately following law school, he clerked for US District Judge Nicholas J. Walinksi and by 1975 he was a partner in the law firm Abrams, Anton, Robbins, Resnick, & Schneider P.A. in Florida. In 1982, Farmer joined Florida's Goldberg, Young, & Borkson, P.A. In 1984 he opened Gary Farmer, PA where he remained until 1991 when he was appointed to the Fourth District Court of Appeal. From 2003 to 2004, Farmer served as the President of the Florida Conference of District Court of Appeal Judges and was elected as Chief Judge of the Fourth District Court of Appeal from 2003 to 2005.

Farmer retired from the bench in 2010 and joined the Farmer Jaffe Weissing law firm in Fort Lauderdale, Florida as Of Counsel in 2011. Farmer Jaffe, Weissing, Edwards & Lehrman, P.L. specializes in consumer class actions, personal injury, wrongful death, and whistleblower lawsuits.

Throughout his career Farmer has presented on continuing judicial and legal education subjects and published a number of opinions in the Southern Reporter. He has diligently educated citizens and the judiciary and has worked to keep the courts open to everyone for the resolution of disputes.

He has been a member of the Florida Courts Technology Commission and the Chair of the Appellate Court Technology Committee since 2005. He has been associated with the Supreme Court Committee on Standard Jury Instructions-Civil since 1998 and has also been a member of the following Florida Bar Committees: the Appellate Rules Committee, the Civic Rules Committee, and the Grievance Committee Seventeenth Judicial Circuit. Additionally, he is a member of the Broward County Justice Association; the Florida Bar; the US Supreme Court; the US Court of Appeal, Eleventh Circuit; the US District Court, Southern District of Florida; and an Eagle Member of the Florida Justice Association.

Farmer earned his JD in 1973 and went on to earn his LLM from the University of Virginia School of Law in 2001.
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