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Ruden McClosky Files For Chapter 11 Protection In Hometown

published November 03, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Ruden McClosky Files For Chapter 11 Protection In Hometown
Nearly two years ago, Ruden McClosky suffered partner defections, layoffs, office closings, and mounting financial difficulties. Now, on Tuesday, the firm filed for bankruptcy protection in Fort Lauderdale – its hometown. The firm has eight offices in Florida, but it has plans to sell to Greenspoon Marder, a considerable segment of the assets. Ruden was once boasted more than 200 lawyers, thenafter facing the collapse of the Florida real estate market dwindled the count to a total of 66 lawyers. Former Ruden McClosky partner, Lawrence Gordich, is representing a group of ex-partners in the case. Greenspoon Marder, is being advised by bankruptcy partners R. Scott Shuker and Mariane Dorris of Orlando-based Latham, Shuker, Eden & Beaudine for the acquisition of the Ruden McClosky assets.
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