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How to Accumulate $40K of Debt Without Taking Action | Debt Solutions from LawCrossing

published April 17, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing

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When it comes to managing your finances and finances, owing $40,000 is something that always requires caution because no matter what the circumstances, it can have a massive impact on the future. Many people find themselves in such a situation due to a lack of proper money management or a lack of financial literacy.

The term "Owe $40,000' refers to an amount of debt that has been accumulated due to various factors. This debt can come from a variety of places such as loans, credit cards, medical bills, and other outstanding debts. Furthermore, this debt can become a financial drain if not addressed properly or in a timely manner.

The first step towards reducing the amount of debt is to determine the source of the debt. It is important to identify the source of the debt, as this will help determine the best course of action. This includes analyzing the various reasons for owing the debt, such as not budgeting properly, having too many credit cards, not paying bills on time, or overspending.

Once the source of the debt is known, the next step is to create a budget and plan to reduce the amount owed. This involves setting realistic goals, such as reducing spending on items not necessary for everyday life, making a minimum payment each month to reduce the total amount owed, and consolidating the debt into one loan. Paying off the debt will require a combination of patience, dedication, and financial responsibility.

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are also other measures available to help reduce the amount of debt. For example, debt consolidation loans allow for one loan to cover all existing debts, leaving the borrower with one loan to pay each month. Other measures include credit counseling services or debt settlement programs, which can help reduce the balance owed.

Whatever method is chosen to reduce the amount owed, it is important to remember that tackling the debt head-on is the best way to get out of it. A lack of knowledge can cause debt to snowball, so it is important to educate oneself on the topic and use the information gathered to develop a plan to pay off the debt.

Owing $40,000 is not something to be taken lightly, but with the right plan, it is possible to reduce the amount owed and get back on track. By recognizing the source of the debt, creating a budget, and possibly working with a financial advisor, it is possible to slowly reduce the amount owed and have a better financial future.

What Does It Mean To Owe $40,000 By Doing Nothing?

Your student loan debt can be overwhelming, and sometimes it feels as though you'll never be able to pay it off. But there are ways you can minimize your student loan debt. Some of the strategies involve taking action while others involve doing nothing. Researchers call this the strategy of “owing forty thousand by doing nothing.”

The Lowdown on Student Loans

The rising cost of college tuition in the United States has made it necessary for many students to take out loans in order to cover their tuition and living expenses. According to recent statistics, the average college graduate in 2019 had an outstanding student loan balance of over $40,000. This debt can be crippling for many students and can take decades to pay off.

Why Does Doing Nothing Help?

Owing forty thousand by doing nothing can sound counterintuitive, but it works. This strategy involves taking advantage of certain loan programs that forgive or reduce a student's loan balance after a certain period of time. These programs are designed to help those who are in need of financial assistance, such as those who have experienced unemployment or other economic hardship.

What Programs Allow You To Owe $40,000 By Doing Nothing?

The federal government and some states offer loan forgiveness programs that can help you reduce your student loan debt. The federal government's Income-Based Repayment program allows borrowers to pay a lower monthly payment based on their income. After 20 or 25 years, the remaining balance of the loan is forgiven. Other loan forgiveness programs include the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program, and the Military Loan Repayment Program.

With interest rates in general on the rise, so are the punitive rates that card companies charge. According to the folks at the Coalition for Responsible Credit Practices and, 'Starting (in October), punitive interest rates, among the top ten issuers, will range from 24.65% to 30.74%. Across the entire U.S. credit card market, penalty interest rates will range from none to 41.00%.' They add: 'CompuCredit, an Atlanta-based issuer of Aspire VISA card, charges an interest rate of prime +36.25% with a 41.00% minimum, to its most risky cardholders who become delinquent."

Can you imagine that? Some folks out there are carrying credit card debt that is growing at 40% per year! This made me wonder what such a situation really looks like — so let's see. Imagine that you owe a mere $8,000, which happens to be less than the average household with credit card debt. And imagine that you're being charged 2.8% per month, which will amount to close to 40% in one year:

Yowza. If you're not paying down this debt, it will advance by more than $3,000 in a single year. Will that $3,000 have bought you a large-screen TV? Nope. Will it have bought you a serviceable car? Not at all. You'll have little to show for it except that it will generate more debt.

Leave that $11,143 growing at 40% per year, and these are some numbers you may see in the years ahead: January 2006 $11,143 January 2007 $15,600 January 2008 $21,840 January 2009 $30,576 January 2010 $42,806

Yup, your debt, without your charging a single penny more to it, could grow by more than $30,000 in just a few years. Can you see bankruptcy looming? This is how it happens to many people.

Of course, minimum monthly payments are required, and they'll reduce these numbers somewhat — but not by a lot. They're not designed to help you dig out of debt. Fortunately, your friends here at the Fool are interested in helping you dig out of debt. And if you're mired in credit card debt, as millions are, don't despair — click over to our Credit Center, where we offer much guidance on getting out of debt. Start hanging out on our Consumer Credit / Credit Cards discussion board, too, where you'll regularly hear from folks like you who are successfully paying off tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt. Really and truly.

Some more examples

Perhaps you're not scared yet about the possible interest rates you may be charged on your card(s). Maybe you think the scary rates I mentioned are just charged by obscure firms you never deal with. If so, know that as of October 2004, these were the top penalty rates for some major card issuers, at least one of which has probably issued that card in your wallet: Citigroup (NYSE: C), 28.74%; MBNA (NYSE: KRB), 24.99%; J. P. Morgan Chase (NYSE: JPM), 26.74%; Morgan Stanley's (NYSE: MWD) Discover, 24.99%; Capital One (NYSE: COF), 25.9%; and American Express (NYSE: AXP), 26.74%.

Let's look at the most modest rate above, which is essentially 25% per year. Here's how $5,000 in debt will grow, at 25% per year: 2005 $5,000 2006 $6,250 2007 $7,812 2008 $9,766 2009 $12,207 2010 $15,259

It's still pretty scary. Leave your debt unattended for just five years, and it will triple in value. Are you gaining any understanding of just how profitable business has been for many credit-card issuers?

Making matters worse

I know it may seem like I'm painting unlikely pictures here, but in many ways I'm not. Consider these factors: Even if you've got a decent credit profile now and aren't charged exorbitant interest rates, that could change quickly. Card issuers have been raising rates for all kinds of seemingly unreasonable reasons — such as if you're late with a payment to another card, or even if you're late paying your mortgage or a utility bill. That's right — pay Card A late, and Card B may hike your rates.

Life isn't fair. You may have $5,000 in credit card debt and be able to gradually pay it off, but if your car suddenly dies and you charge another $3,000 on your card, your situation has just gotten much more precarious. Unexpected expenses often rear their ugly heads, which is why it's always best to live as far from the edge as possible. Learn about how to sock away short-term savings for just such events, and follow lively discussions on our Living Below Your Means discussion board.

If you're enjoying relatively low rates right now, know that in general, interest rates are rising these days and are expected to keep doing so. Many credit cards have variable interest rates, which means that you can expect to see your rates increase regardless of how good a fiscal citizen you are.

Take action!

So what should you do? Well, if you don't carry credit card debt, good for you — please remember that now is not a good time to start doing so. (By the way, if you're looking for a spiffy new card with good terms, check out our colorful Fool cards.) If you do have debt, work hard to pay it off, and let us help you, if you'd like.

Get savvy about the credit card industry, too. You can learn all kinds of eye-opening things in our Credit Center. And in these articles, too:

The Ravages of Plastic Living on Borrowed Dimes Credit Counseling Crisis

Selena Maranjian's favorite discussion boards include Book Club, The Eclectic Library and Card & Board Games. She owns no shares of any companies mentioned in this article. For more about Selena, view her bio and her profile. You might also be interested in these books she has written or co-written: The Motley Fool Money Guide and The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens. The Motley Fool is Fools writing for Fools.

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