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Shuart & Associates Ensures Best Fit Between Candidate Personality and Law Firm Culture

published October 12, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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The firm's founder and president, Darnell Shuart Shoen, boasts more than 25-years of legal recruiting experience. Shoen, who heads the firm's Attorney Division, has successfully placed hundreds of lawyers, been involved in practice group acquisitions and mergers, and provided training for others in her field.

Shuart & Associates is based in New Orleans but has extended reach, in terms of location and job opportunities, through affiliations with the American Staffing Association, the Legal Secretaries of New Orleans & The River Region, the Louisiana Staffing Association, the National Association for Law Placement, the National Association for Legal Search Consultants, the National Association of Personnel Services/Recruiting Life, and the New Orleans Paralegal Association.

Law firm and corporate legal department employers are served through temporary, contract, and direct service hiring options. The firm also handles group mergers and acquisitions, as well as executive search services for partner recruitment. Shuart & Associates ensures a successful placement by gathering critical client information and carefully matching client needs with a qualified candidate. The firm can either fill positions directly or present clients with select leading candidates, allowing the client to make the final decision.

Candidate references are always checked and upon request, drug screening and criminal background check can be provided. All placements are guaranteed. Non-attorney positions are guaranteed for ninety days and attorney candidate appointments are guaranteed for six months. If a non-attorney appointment is unsuccessful, Shuart & Associates will provide a one-time replacement and if an attorney placement does not work out, the firm will either replace the candidate or refund one-sixth of the fee paid for each calendar month remaining between the candidate's end date and the end of the six month time frame.

For employee candidates, Shuart & Attorneys offer career consulting, access to jobs within the top law firms and corporate legal departments, and guaranteed confidentiality. All candidates are screened prior to placement to ensure a fit between candidate personality and firm culture.

( 17 votes, average: 4.8 out of 5)
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