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Nicholas Hemond, Roger Williams University School of Law

published August 26, 2011

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Last year, during former General Treasurer Frank T. Caprio's bid for governor, Hemond served as his spokesman. He was a volunteer assistant baseball coach at Classical High School for five seasons and continues to tutor and mentor students at the school. Furthermore, he is a volunteer baseball coach in the Providence Babe Ruth League.

But his commitment to service goes back even further than that. In high school, Hemond was a member of the Classical High School Improvement Team and was also involved in student government. During his high school career, he was honored with the Lieutenant Governor's Leadership Award before moving on obtain his bachelor's degree from Providence College in 2009.

With such an active history of involvement within both the community and the education system, it should come as no surprise that Hemond was nominated to the Providence School Board last week. Hemond's nomination to the nine member board was presented by Mayor Angel Taveras, after the School Board President Kathleen Crain, submitted her resignation last month.

The School Board Nominating Commission reviewed six resumes for the position before selecting three candidates for the interview process. The commission then selected two finalists, who were presented to the mayor. The City Council has 30 days from the date of Hemond's official nomination to accept or reject the nomination. If approved, Hemond will complete Crain's term which is set to expire in December of 2012. Hemond could potentially be reappointed for a successive three-year staggered term at that point in time.

According to Taveras, the school board is crucial in guiding the direction of public education. ''Every student in Providence should receive the same educational opportunity I enjoyed as a student in the City. My strength will be that I've never broken my connection with the Providence Schools. Not long ago, I was sitting in the same classrooms as our students are today and my subsequent work with students will me to bring a fresh perspective to the Board,'' said Hemond.

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