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Yimeng Dou, UCI Law

published April 12, 2011

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Convinced that Dou would never be able to make a career out of the study of astronomy, her parents convinced her to take up another field. Dou graduated from Nanjing University with a degree in information systems and management but points out that she befriended plenty of astronomy students who did, in fact, find jobs.

Following her graduation from Nanjing University, Dou came to the United States, where she earned an advanced degree in bioinformatics at UC Irvine, in Southern California. Dou spent the next three years working for a biotech company in the San Diego area, which ultimately brought her to law school. With the help of both colleagues and patent attorneys, Dou applied for 28 patents for her inventions. It was during the application process that she saw noticed that one of the attorney's business cards read ‘Ph.D., J.D.' It was then that Dou first realized that there is a place for someone with a science background in the field of law. She was further inspired by the idea that a law degree would allow her to directly impact others, something that she didn't feel she would be possible at her job with the biotech company.

Dou entered UCI Law in 2009, as a member of the school's inaugural class. Initially she intended to work in patent law but has changed her focus as a result of her personal experiences as an immigrant. Dou came to the United States legally to study and is now in the process of seeking permanent resident status. She notes that even with a legal status, the application processes within the immigration system are complex, costly, and time consuming. Dou hopes that she can use her own experiences as well as her knowledge of the legal system to work with immigrants and serve as an advocate for their rights. Despite her new-found interest in immigration law, Dou's interest in patent law has not faded. She also admits to an interest in several other specialty areas, including environmental law, animal rights, and human rights.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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