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Lindsay Lohan Prepares for Court on Thursday

published March 11, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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This time, the focus – or at least the primary focus – isn't on Lohan's drug abuse and refusal to follow judges' orders. Instead, this case might just be what gets her put behind bars for more than a few days. In recent days, video footage of Lohan leaving a high end Los Angeles jewelry store with a necklace around her neck that she didn't pay for has surfaced. The question now is whether those tapes will do Lohan in or cause problems for the prosecutors trying the case.

The tapes were sold by the jeweler to the media. While it certainly shows Lohan's thieving ways, her lawyers are now considering a lawsuit against the jewelry store and are promising if they do indeed sue, they'll likely include charges of ''unauthorized use of an image, invasion of privacy, unjust enrichment and other possible legal avenues''. That's funny, considering that's exactly what Lohan inflicted on the business when she left wearing the $2,500 necklace. In recent hours, the jeweler, Kamofie & Co., says it will be auctioning the necklace for charity once it receives it back from the district attorney's office following the resolution of the case.

Prosecutors said on Wednesday that ideally, ''You like to present your evidence in courtroom'' when asked about the leaked tapes that are being shown exclusively on Entertainment Tonight. Not only that, but the timing appears to be a bit suspect. The judge, in recent weeks, has assured Lohan that she will be spending time in jail. She refused a plea agreement in February and instead said she'd take her chances in court. Many believe that was not the best call for Lohan and her legal team. Still, as any attorney will tell you, it's ultimately up to the client when it comes to decisions about their future.

For now, Team Lohan is preparing for yet another court appearance in less than twenty-four hours. It's likely not going to be a good day for Lohan and odds are that her day will be wrapped up in a jail cell. It's just a matter of how long she'll be calling it home.
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