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Death Sentence for Leonard Gonzalez, Jr.

published February 19, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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The July, 2009 ''ninja style'' attack on the couple, who adopted at special needs children over the years, shook Pensacola to its core. The suspects, eight in total, not only took the lives of these two people, but also stole a safe, prescription medication for the children and other items from the home. The couple had sixteen children living in the home, nine of which were in the home at the time of the attack. They were not harmed. Their biological children are adults and with families of their own.

Byrd Billings had agreed to finance a martial arts studio for Leonard Gonzalez, Jr. After learning that the couple was quite wealthy, Gonzalez recruited seven more accomplices, including his own father, to help him with the home invasion. What the suspects weren't aware of was the many video cameras the couple had on their property in an effort to keep an eye on their children. The crime in its entirety, including both Melanie and Byrd Billings being shot by Gonzalez, Jr, was caught on film. This evidence resulted in the October, 2010 first degree murder conviction of Gonzalez, Jr. The jury deliberated for only four hours before returning with the verdict. The Escambia County, FL jury recommended the death sentence and today, Judge Nick Geeker agreed and handed down the sentence.

Judge Geeker's ruling comes down less than a month after another Pensacola jury found Wayne Coldiron guilty of two counts of first degree murder. Coldiron was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for his role in the murders. Gonzalez, Jr. is the only defendant facing the death sentence.

Two more men who were part of the gang plead guilty to second degree murder and are now facing life in prison as well. They agreed to testify against the others. Patrick Gonzalez, Sr., Gary Sumner and Donnie Ray Stallworth have yet to be tried, though they have been charged with two counts of murder and face life in prison.

The team of attorneys representing Gonzalez, Jr. has stated that they are already preparing their appeal. The biological daughter of the couple gave a press conference following the judge's sentencing and said she and her family would pull strength from his ruling as they face the dark days ahead.
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