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Palin Trademark

published February 10, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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For example, Sarah Palin's trademark application includes ''information about political issues''. There is no requirement that the information be correct, consistent or honest, however. Daughter Bristol's trademark application seeks to protect the Bristol Palin brand for ''motivational speaking services in the field of life choices.'' A less euphemistic way of saying that might be ''do as I say, not as I did.'' Any trademark plans that Levi Johnston, Bristol's ex fiance, might have are purely speculative on my part, but would likely include reserving the exclusive right to use the Johnston name in any future soft core pornography.

Assuming her application goes through, Sarah Palin will be unlikely to use her new trademark against groups like ''Democrats for Palin/Bachmann in 2012''. And really, what Democrat isn't hoping Palin and Bachmann get the Republican nomination? Nor would her trademark be of any use in stopping Palin parodies, to the immense relief of SNL fans everywhere.

With these examples in mind, I plan to trademark my name in relation to ''information about legal, cultural and political issues''. My application has a better chance of getting approved, too, because unlike the ladies from the House of Palin, I plan to sign the documents before submitting them.
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