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Meghan O'Malley, Brooklyn Law School

published December 21, 2010

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The goal of Town + Gown is to connect students with local urban planning and to give them the tools to create an affiliation between the academic community and construction agencies in New York City. The program aims to produce research projects that will be published in the Town + Gown Research Review and will hopefully generate conversation and lead to fitting local changes.

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O'Malley's project was born from the externship semester and independent study semester she spent analyzing the State and City Environmental Quality Review Acts. She investigated the Acts' regulations in an effort to uncover whether they may favor low-density development over affordable housing. She argues in the paper that higher density development may be a positive choice for the environment, though in the past it has typically been considered negative, because it can reduce greenhouse gases.

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The project has been supported by O'Malley's professor, Debra Bechtel, who's Transactional and Community Development Externship engages students in research topics involved in urban planning and local government. Professor Bechtel states, ''I think it is very much to our credit that BLS is the only law school currently involved in the Town + Gown program along with the City's top urban planning and public policy schools. Our extensive externship program coupled with our joint degree in law and urban planning really makes us a great resource for government agencies seeking to involve students in real life research questions and policy challenges.'' Terri Matthews is the director of Town + Gown and has supervised O'Malley's work as well.

Also involved with the project are 2010 graduate Jennifer Effron, 2011 graduates Matthew Dudler and Tim Kane, and 2012 graduates Steven Spada and Aaron Edelman.

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