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''You're Violating Ethnics!''

published December 17, 2010

( 23 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

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While the couple is struggling financially and have found themselves in several bankruptcy hearings, this most recent case includes accusations of criminal activities made by Joe Mastropole, who had been in business with Joe Giudice for years. The suit claims Giudice forged Mastropole's name on many documents, including a $1 million mortgage. Joe Mastropole is also accusing Giudice of owing him more than $260,000 from cash loans he made.

While on the stand, Teresa Giudice was asked whether it was her signature on the bottom of her home's mortgage. She replied incredulously, ''Is that under my name?'' Her husband has admitted to signing her name to numerous documents, including insurance documents and loan applications. She wrapped up her testimony by saying, ''My husband, if he had to tell me something, I'm sure he would''.

Seems as though he had good reason to keep the missus in the dark. When asked when she and her husband married, Teresa Guidice said, ''1999? I think'' and she then leaned over and asked her husband, ''Was it 1999?''

Anyone who's ever watched the television show knows well her feisty temper. She didn't mince her words, even if they were the wrong ones, when she yelled out to the former business partner's lawyer, Monica Ciccone, ''You're violating ethnics!'' The couple's attorney helped her out of the courtroom.

During the most recent season of the Bravo TV series, the couple vehemently denied rumors of financial problems. It was suggested the couple was facing foreclosure, though they denied it. Documents soon surfaced that proved their new home was in foreclosure and soon after that, the couple filed bankruptcy. The only question that remains is if she still feels as though she's ''too pretty to work''.
( 23 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)
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