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Raissa Laurel, An Inspiring Tale

published October 11, 2010

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Raissa, a student at San Sebastian College, was injured, along with nearly fifty other people when a masked man dropped a box containing a bomb outside the De La Salle University campus along Taft Avenue in Manila during the traditional Salubong where well-wishers greet the law graduates who have just finished four successive weekends of the grueling Bar exams.

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Government investigators said they have yet to determine whether the violence was an offshoot of fraternity wars.

The NBI and the Manila Police District (MPD) are conducting investigations into the incident.

According to an October 3rd article posted at, the Association of Law Students in the Philippines (ALSP) will extend financial support to Raissa, and another female student, who had to have one of her legs amputated.

''We are planning to conduct a fund raising project for their long term rehabilitation and prosthesis,'' ALSP secretary Dino Austria was quoted as saying.

In addition, a group of businessmen has offered a P1-million reward for information leading to the identification and arrest of the perpetrators of the explosion. Also, the Ateneo Law School's Fraternal Order of Utopia has also offered a P200,000 reward.

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Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona visited Raissa at the Philippine General Hospital recently. He promised that he would personally administer the oath to Laurel once she finishes her studies at San Sebastian College and passes the Bar, and that the Supreme Court will hire her once she recovers from her injuries.

According to the article, Raissa told him she wants to become a great lawyer, and be someone someday for the country.

Corona appointed two associate justices to investigate the Bar exams blast. The committee will recommend the filing of criminal and civil charges against those found responsible for the blast. Additionally, it will also propose measures to prevent the occurrence of similar violent incidents, and recommend an improved security protocol for future Bar examinations.

Losing her legs will not prevent her from reaching her dreams, Laurel said. According to the article, she said in a tweet on Thursday: ''Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for my recovery! Our God is sovereign and He is in control of everything...God bless us!''


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