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Jane M. Simon

published October 05, 2010

( 27 votes, average: 4 out of 5)

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<<Jane Simon offers the total legal package to her clientele. She combined nearly two decades of experience as a federal court law clerk, four years as a legal writing professor at Notre Dame Law School, extensive experience while working in a well known Chicago area law firm and experience with Law Review Executive Editorial to define a unique legal writing firm. Her clients rely on her and her associates to provide superbly written projects that are on time, affordable and targeted to their needs.

Her educational highlights include a degree from Indiana University School of Law and Michigan State University. Although her legal writing firm is still in its infancy (it's preparing to celebrate its first year in October, 2010), she has quickly raised the bar for other legal writers. Her commitment to perfection, kind disposition (she is very well liked and respected by her employees) and her ability to hone in on a project really speaks volumes about Simon's personality and dedication.

A firm that chooses to outsource its legal writing and legal researching needs finds that it's an efficient, effective and customized approach. It adds value to the services offered by the law firm and allows its lawyers to focus on their clients. She and her staff remain current on the legal climate in its entirety, which instills remarkable trust by those firms she represents. By moving this specific aspect of trial preparation to an outsourcing mode, many law firms have discovered the practicality of their decisions. Not only do they pay only for those services they receive, but they are also not saddled with lay-offs during slow periods, the expenses of hiring and training on site employees and of course, they do not have to worry about vacations, unemployment considerations and other federal laws that employers must remain in compliance with.

With nearly all states recognizing and allowing outsourcing of legal writing and research efforts, a firm's ethics are never questioned. Her staff includes an eclectic group of American lawyers and support personnel who are licensed in many jurisdictions. Each employee with Jane Simon's firm is bound by a definitive confidentiality agreement as well as a non-disclosure contract. Each request for proposal the office receives is first researched to ensure there are no potential conflicts of interest. With her own commitment to an ethical practice, the firm is clear in that it will decline any of those cases that have the remote appearance of impropriety.

Make no mistake, her clients are loyal to a fault. With comments such as ''Jane...knows exactly how to attack a project…I was constantly impressed by her ability to see the heart of the issue'', potential clients are quickly convinced of not only Simon, but the Law Writer firm as a whole. Adjectives used to describe this dynamic woman include ''thorough'', ''knowledgeable'', ''reliable'' and ''extremely competent''.

For more information on Jane Simon and her firm, visit
( 27 votes, average: 4 out of 5)
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