Last year, Taitz brought a law suit in a federal court in Georgia on behalf of army Captain Connie Rhodes. Rhodes had been ordered to deploy overseas and sought an injunction barring the deployment on the grounds that President Obama is not the lawful commander in chief and therefore the order was not lawful. Unsurprising, the judge threw the case out of court. Undeterred, Taitz, acting without her client's consent, filed a motion to reconsider. She also publicly accused the judge of treason. As an aside, she has also accused AG Eric Holder of treasonous behavior in a separate lawsuit. The judge not only declined to reconsider his dismissal, he gave her two weeks to show cause or face a $10,000 fine. Her response was a motion for recusal, also denied, and a refusal to pay. The judge doubled the stakes and issued a $20,000 fine for violating rule 11 of the FRCP. Taitz asked the appellate court for a stay of the fine, which was denied. In her motion, linked above, she takes several very entertaining trips to the zoo, accusing the judge of political bias and attempting to litigate the case itself. Unsurprisingly, this too was denied. So Taitz went to Justice Thomas and asked him for an emergency injunction. Denied.
At this point, a rational person would pay the fine and be done with it, but Taitz soldiered on. She petitioned Justice Scalia for a stay, who in turn referred it to the Court. Yesterday, without comment, the Court said no. At the time of this writing, Taitz has not reacted to the news on her website so perhaps she will quietly give in and pay the fine.