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Technology Meets The Legal Profession

published December 03, 2009

By Author - LawCrossing

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The new website features a section in which the user can submit a legal question and receive a response from a member of the team of attorneys and legal experts at Nielson & Senior. The section also includes a Q&A segment that will help users locate the specific information they are looking for.

The revamped website houses an extensive resources section that provides ''basic legal information for users, clients, and those considering seeking legal representation.'' The resource section also provides users with links to specific legal questions and answers for easy navigating.

In addition to the newly designed website, Nielson & Senior has taken advantage of the popular blogging trend and offers updates, news, tips, and information through the firm's blog.

Nielsen & Senior is one of the oldest law firms in Utah and offers legal services in business law, contracts, environmental law, family law, general litigation, wrongful death, personal injury and bankruptcy.

In other legal news, The New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick is undergoing a $6 million renovation that will include plasma televisions for videoconferencing and telecasting seminars over the internet. In addition, upon completion of the renovations, lawyers and visitors can access briefs online and high schools students can hang around the new (cyber) cafe and take part in the new mock courtroom.

According to Kate Coscarelli, a spokeswoman for the state bar association, ''15,000 New Jerseyans and 25,000 members of the legal community use the law center every year.''

Construction on the renovations started this fall and is expected to be completed by spring 2010.
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