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Thelen is Sued Over Lost Wages

published November 27, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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Thelen officially closes its doors Dec. 1 and this case would be at least the second of similar class action potential. Both have been filed within the past two weeks.

The more recent of the two complaints says that the firm violated the WARN Act because they didn't notify the employees 60 days prior, they failed to pay for 60 days wages after the notice, and did not pay for accrued vacation. The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

A receptionist from the firm filed a similar suit in San Francisco on Nov. 12 and librarian has recently joined that suit as well.

Cary Kletter of Kletter & Peretz, the firm which filed the state case Troup v. Thelen, said: "Many of these employees gave their blood, sweat and tears to Thelen LLP for years, and in response, they are being summarily terminated without even the minimum mandatory notice or pay. It shocks the conscience that Thelen LLP would treat its employees and its employees' families in this way.'' Mark Thierman, of Reno's Thierman Law Firm, is listed as co-counsel.

Plaintiffs for the federal suit, Bergman v. Thelen, worked in the firm's New York and Connecticut offices.

After waiting period penalties have accrued, attorneys from California are expected to join the suit in January, said Steven Blum and Craig Collins, of L.A.-based employment law boutique Blum Collins, which is representing the plaintiffs.

Collins said that "The problem is if you file too early, you deprive your clients of 30 days of pay."

After a year of significant partner departures, which led to a violation of an agreement with the firm's bank, Thelen announced on Oct. 28 that it would dissolve. Dec. 1 Thelen officially closes its doors. Firms all around the country have been snagging former Thelen partners and associates right and left.
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