Heller Ehrman Dissolves
In a stunning bit of news, prestigious firm Heller Ehrman has called it quits. The 118-year-old firm is dissolving, leaving many scrambling to pick up the pieces. Other law firms are looking to pick up many of the Heller castoffs.
Hunton & Williams Welcome 50 New Associates
Hunton & Williams LLP have announced their new incoming associate class, which consists of 50 attorneys from various law schools. In a time of bad economic news, those new attorneys are doubtlessly feeling grateful.
Troutman Sanders Has 100 Attorneys Honored
Troutman Sanders LLP has had over 100 of their attorneys selected to be ranked in the 2009 edition of Best Lawyers in America, published by Woodward White, Inc. Troutman garnered over thirty number one rankings from the publication as well.