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ABA Okays Outsourcing

published September 01, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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ABA Okays Outsourcing

In a move sure to impact the legal staff area, the American Bar Association has given their thumbs-up to law firms sending legal work overseas. This will only accelerate the growing trend of farming out work, though at least lawyers’ jobs are going as well as those of staffers.

Clayton State Recieves ABA Approval for New Paralegal Degree
Clayton State University in Georgia is adding a bachelor’s degree in paralegal studies. The school already offers a certificate and associate’s program, and now the ABA has approved its Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies as well.

Beaufort County Kills Staff Attorney Position to Hire Paralegal
Beaufort County, in North Carolina, has slashed their full-time staff attorney position. With no attorney, the county will likely hire a paralegal and send out work to local law firms.
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