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Judge Halverson Finally Loses Her Job

published August 14, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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Halverson had or still has issues. She was facing review in front of the Judicial Discipline Commission, which still has to decide whether she should be removed immediately (as opposed to suspended).

Halverson is famous, or infamous, rather, for being grossly overweight. While that's unfortunate in and of itself (she has to use a motorized scooter to get around), her judicial skills seem to be lacking.

Several complaints about her were filed, and she has a history of abusing staff. She fell asleep on the bench. She forced her bailiff to give her back rubs. Ultimately, her various misdeeds led to her being brought before the Judicial Discipline Commission, a process which she fought against (even filing lawsuits to stop it).

But the voters have now taken matters into their own hands. Having grown tired of having a judge who is a laughingstock, the voters tossed Halverson out on her ears on August 12, 2008, giving her only about ten percent of the vote. People were showing up to vote against her specifically, not something normally seen in judicial races.

She passed out at her disciplinary hearing, as well. But thankfully, she is finally gone from the bench. So Las Vegas will hopefully get a judge suited for the town, not someone who has become a national laughingstock.
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