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Caught! The Suicide That Wasn't

published July 03, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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Then, the day he was to appear, his SUV was found running on a bridge, keys in the ignition, with the words "suicide is painless" scrawled in the dust. That's a reference to the theme song for the TV show M.A.S.H. and appeared to imply that he had committed suicide.

Of course, no one bought it for a second. His girlfriend was arrested in late June, and finally, on July 2, 2008, Israel himself was found.

Now, you'd think that a guy with millions in the bank, who was a CEO, would somehow have managed to get farther away from where he vanished — Upstate New York — than where he turned up — Massachusetts. Actually, he turned himself in, with the help of his mother, who arranged for the surrender.

So what had he been doing? Wandering the countryside in his RV. He got 90 miles away before finally giving up. In over a month's time, he got 90 miles. Wow, with hundreds of millions of ill-gotten gains, you'd think he'd have at least made it to a beach in Jamaica or something.
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