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Indemnification Changes May Impact General Counsels

published June 24, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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Indemnification Changes May Impact General Counsels
New Delaware Rules and court decisions may impact your company's indemnification of company officers and directors in the case of litigation. Specifically, changes in bylaws may eliminate officers' advancement rights.

Corporate Bankruptcies Not as High as Predicted
While there's been a 40 percent rise of late in corporate bankruptcies, that's a much smaller increase than has been predicted. Reasons for the "decreased" increase include much more savvy corporate tactics, such as secured debt and more favorable loan terms.

Tyco Agrees to Contingent Bonuses
Tyco International has agreed to give bonuses to it's outside counsel Eversheds if Eversheds succeeds in reducing lawsuits against Tyco — or by Tyco.
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