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June 2 2008 Legal Blog Roundup

published June 02, 2008

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But in the legal world, while those names are large, there are other blogs. Probably the most important blog (and certainly the most feared) is Above the Law. Ending up being torn apart on Above the Law is rapidly becoming large law firms' worst fear since that site is having a major impact on firm reputations.

The Harvard Law Review has also felt the wrath of the legal blogs, or "blawgosphere," recently. They published a student note which, needless to say, wasn't received well. Above the Law criticized it here. The Volokh Conspiracy chimed in as well. This is not new; the Harvard Law Review has had a series of stumbles recently.

But blawgs also highlight good news. Case in point: Merck's two appellate victories in the Vioxx product liability lawsuit swarm this past week were highlighted by How Appealing.

And then there is the legal commentary. From reliably far-left outlets such as Jurist's op-ed page (which called for Memorial Day to be honored by torturing practically the entire Bush administration) to sites such as Bench Memos, which is the National Review's legal blog (with posts like "This Week in Judicial Activism") and quite conservative, blawgs run the gamut of legal perspectives.

You can find odd stories in the blawgosphere, such as the story of the conviction of a man for assault with a dangerous weapon: a hedgehog. Or even the truly, truly odd: pre-bar exam advertisements for orgies to relieve stress. One presumes that attendees of the event likely aren't going to be on the side of Phyllis Schlafly, whose honorary degree from Washington University sparked a massive debate.

You have dry articles that are likely to put you to sleep (such as some of the stuff on TaxProf) as well as stories that highlight the misconduct of the legal profession (judges who don't allow bathroom breaks, for example).

All in all, however, the blawgosphere is a fantastic place to suit just about any taste!
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