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Former Broadcom General Counsel Charged in Stock Option Backdating Scandal

published June 02, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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Former Broadcom General Counsel Charged in Stock Option Backdating Scandal
Former Broadcom General Counsel David Dull, among others, was charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the Broadcom stock option backdating scandal, which allegedly involved over $2.2 billion.

Corporate Counsel Honors Qwest Legal Team
Qwest Communications has been listed as having the top legal department of 2008 (so far) for rescuing Qwest from bankruptcy and possible accounting fraud. Corporate Counsel gave the honor to the legal team at Qwest, led by Richard Baer.

SEC Shifts Its Focus
Now that stock options are dying out as targets, what is the SEC after? A broader range of criminal activities, such as insider trading, bribery, and financial fraud (along with subprime mortgage matters). That's the word from the SEC director in San Francisco. So, as always, keep a close eye on things.
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