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Child Porn Is Illegal (Again)

published May 20, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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And finally, they got it right — at least, right enough to get the US Supreme Court to sign off on it. On Monday, May 19, 2008, the Supreme Court decided the case United States v. Williams, deciding on a count of 7-2 that the so-called PROTECT Act, a 2003 law aimed at criminalizing child pornography, is valid.

Williams, the defendant, had offered to exchange pictures of his child involved in sexual activity for pictures of other children — clearly a violation of the law.

Justice Scalia authored the opinion, with everyone but Justices Souter and Ginsburg joining in.

It's a complex decision, not least because the First Amendment in this area is rather convoluted law. So the court had to step carefully across the minefield. In any case, the law has been upheld, so all those seeking to promote child pornography online are now in much greater danger of spending serious time in prison.
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