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Dickie Scruggs Pleads Guilty

published March 18, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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<<Dickie Scruggs, as he is widely known, is a very successful trial lawyer who made a career out of suing the asbestos industry and later represented the State of Mississippi in the tobacco litigation of the 1990s, which settled for almost $250 billion, making him a very rich man.

But on November 28, 2007, Dickie Scruggs was indicted by a federal grand jury with four others on a charge of trying to bribe Judge Lackey, a Mississippi district judge.

This case quickly became quite the scandal, which widened and drew a lot of people into its clutches. Lots of corn was popped, and much entertainment was had by the legal field.

On March 14, 2008, though, Dickie Scruggs pled guilty. He faces up to five years in jail. But his troubles might not yet be over; during the course of the pre-trial maneuverings on both sides, the possibility has come up that Scruggs may be involved with another judicial bribery case with a different judge, a certain Judge DeLaughter, also in Mississippi.
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