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Sullivan & Cromwell Will Work on Microsoft-Yahoo Deal

published February 25, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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Sullivan & Cromwell Will Work on Microsoft-Yahoo Deal

Sullivan & Cromwell has been hired by Microsoft in its attempt to take over Internet-giant Yahoo. The news comes in spite of rival Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett's initially handling the case for Microsoft. Although Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett's initial appointment was not well received by Sullivan & Cromwell, which has historically been Microsoft's main corporate advisor, the firm is glad to have been appointed to handle the deal.

BSkyB Hires Allen & Overy for Battle against ITV
BSkyB has hired Allen & Overy as it launches a legal battle against the Competition Commission over its stake in rival broadcaster ITV, after the commission ordered it last month to sell its majority stake in ITV. BSkyB has been forced to sell over half of its 17.9% stake in ITV. The company says that the commission's order demanding that it reduce its stake to 7.5% was unreasonable and disproportionate.

Nabarro to Become an LLP
Nabarro is set to acquire limited liability partnership status as soon as the partners at the firm have voted for the conversion. The firm plans to adopt the new status within the first half of this year. Although internal management and voting rights will stay the same, both the full-equity and the fixed-share partners will become members of the LLP. According to senior partner Simon Johnson, "It is a modern, transparent business arrangement that is more suited to the current practice of law."
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