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Getty Realty Hires New GC

published February 04, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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Getty Realty Hires New GC
Getty Realty Corp. has hired Joshua Dicker as its new corporate secretary and general counsel. Beginning February 1, Dicker will be responsible for overseeing and managing all legal activities at Getty. He recently served as a partner at law firm Arent Fox. Dicker's expertise is vast and includes debt and equity financings, real property purchases and sales, complex leasing arrangements, and public and private securities offerings. "We are very pleased to have Josh join our senior management team," said Getty chairman and CEO Leo Liebowitz. "Josh is a seasoned professional with a broad range of legal experience which, along with his experience as a general business advisor, will be very valuable to Getty as we continue to manage our varied portfolio of legal affairs." Dicker received his J.D. from New York Law School and his B.A. from the State University of New York at Albany.

CB&I Hires New GC
Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. (CB&I) has hired David Delman as its new chief legal officer, secretary, and general counsel. With over 21 years of legal experience, Delman will be responsible for the company's legal activities. Recently, Delman served as a partner at law firm Pepe & Hazard, LLC. Delman also served as associate general counsel for an engineering, procurement, and construction company.

Tronox Hires New GC
Producer and marketer of titanium dioxide pigment Tronox Inc. has hired Michael J. Foster as its new vice president, general counsel, and secretary. Foster, who has had 15 years of legal experience, previously served as a staff attorney at Kerr-McGee Corp. in 2003 and became Tronox's staff attorney in 2005. After being promoted to managing counsel, Foster became Tronox's interim general counsel in late 2007. He received his B.S. from the University of Illinois and his J.D. from the University of Tulsa.

Senomyx Hires New GC
Senomyx Inc. has hired David B. Berger as its new vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary. With over 12 years of biotechnology, medical diagnostics, and information technology industries experience, Berger previously served as the vice president of legal affairs at Biosite Inc. as well as an attorney at Cooley Godward Kronish, LLP. "We are very fortunate to have someone with David's wealth of legal accomplishments join Senomyx," said the company's president and CEO, Kent Snyder. "David's experience with licensing and negotiations, intellectual property, and other corporate activities are…appropriate for Senomyx, and we are pleased to have him become a member of our management team." Berger received his J.D. from Stanford Law School and a B.A. from the University of California — Berkeley.

GC at WellCare Resigns
Along with its president, CEO, and CFO, WellCare's general counsel, Thaddeus Bereday, has resigned from the company. Already, WellCare has begun its search for a new CFO and GC. "The board has a confidence in these new executives," said Ruben Jose King-Shaw Jr. in a statement. "They will provide fresh leadership to the company to help meet the challenges and opportunities it faces. The creation of the role of executive chairman along with the appointment of Heath Schiesser as president and CEO are important steps in that process."
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