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American Bar Association Makes Headlines with Its 2007 Lawyer of the Year

published December 19, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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"Shocked" describes one blogger's reaction.

"Whaat?? Has the American Bar Association lost its collective mind?" wrote Denise Williams.

However, when questioned, the ABA explained that the magazine doesn't necessarily name the best lawyer as its Lawyer of the Year. Rather, it names the most newsworthy — and possibly the best.

"Think about Time magazine's Person of the Year," said the magazine's editor and publisher, Edward A. Adams. "In years past they've named people like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin."

Newsworthy, indeed. So with Gonzales's headlines, it's no wonder the former attorney general made it to the ABA's cover.

According to Wikipedia, "under Gonzales's leadership, the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have been accused of improperly, and perhaps illegally, using the USA PATRIOT Act to uncover personal information about U.S. citizens. His inability to explain his role and influence in the dismissal of U.S. attorneys led several members of the United States Congress from both major political parties to call for his resignation. Through his testimony before Congress on issues ranging from the Patriot Act to U.S. attorney firings, he commonly admitted ignorance."

Runners-up for 2007 Lawyer of the Year include:
  • Michael Nifong, the lawyer who kept DNA results from the defense in the case against three Duke University lacrosse players.

  • Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who was involved with the identity leak of a CIA agent.

  • Howard K. Stern, who represented Anna Nicole Smith and lied about being the father of Smith's daughter.

  • Monica Goodling, who was involved with the firings of the U.S. attorneys.

  • Erwin Chemerinksy, who was set to become the dean of the University of California at Irvine's law school but got the job pulled from him instead.
The ABA has also given its 2008 Lawyer of the Year slot to Attorney General Michael Mukasey "because he has to deal with the problems left when Gonzales resigned under fire last fall," says the Associated Press.

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