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Women Still Earning Less in Law Firms?

published December 03, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Women Still Earning Less in Law Firms?

According to the National Association of Women Lawyers (NAWL), large firms across the nation still show a pay disparity between men and women attorneys. Women are advancing in their firms, but they are still earning less than their male counterparts according to a NAWL survey. According to the survey and, "male of counsels earn about $20,000 more than females, male non-equity partners earn about $27,000 more than females, and male equity partners earn nearly $90,000 more than their female counterparts." Some firms and up-and-coming attorneys are hoping that these figures will change as new female graduates enter the law workforce.

Arent Fox Rejects "Lifestyle" Label
In the past, Arent Fox has been referred to as a "lifestyle" firm, meaning "a place where the lawyers have to live," but the firm is ready to make a change, according to They would like people to stop referring to them as a "lifestyle" firm. Chairman Marc Fleischaker was quoted as implying that he didn't want people to misconstrue how hard the firm's attorneys work and that the "lifestyle" label creates the impression that they do not work as hard, which they have said is not the case. Although the label has been popular among young associates, it has not been received so well by various potential partners.

Firm Denied Access to Site of I-35 Bridge Collapse
A district judge in Minnesota has declined a law firm's request to gain access to investigative research and obtain access to a site where the remains of the downed I-35 bridge are kept. Hennepin County District Judge Herbert Lefler rejected the request for data and will keep the information private until the federal government makes it public. Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben is the firm asking for the information. They are representing a victim who died in the August 1 collapse. In the collapse, 13 people were killed, and more than 100 were injured. The firm wants to use the data to support a possible lawsuit relating to the tragedy.
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